Thursday 18 August 2011

I'm not gonna hurt babygirl anymore le! (L) ♥

helloooo, i'm back to update my blog due to my babygirl call me to update de because she wanted to see my new post! :D today went to tampines with fanglin to meet my babygirl and deona. fanglin and deona has started to eat tings at Tampines1 first than i was waiting for my babygirl to eat and see doctor finish! after tat babygirl and me started to become hungry and we have go eat long john sliver after awhile more deona and fanglin need to go off le! left me and babygirl... after they go off me n babygirl when to century square to slack. after tat i call zhen qiang to come down to play maxtune! after he come down le i have started to train my babygirl to play maxtune. when i was teaching her! i found out when she is playing game, she is so serious! MUHAHAHA.... she look cute n innocent when playing maxtune! :P wish babygirl can learn faster and peii me go for our clan match! (L) ♥ shall end here le. 

2 more day to 3rd month anniversary! (L)

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